The Ray Project

Welcome to The Ray Project - we’re all about Rays and Skates!

Our Goal

To gather enough data to create policies that really make a difference in managing and understanding these awesome creatures.

Our Mission

Dedicated to the conservation and research of rays and skates.

We're on a mission to learn more about these amazing sea creatures and protect them worldwide. You might not hear much about Rays and Skates, but they play a crucial role in our oceans.

Our Outreach

At The Ray Project, we're about bringing ocean science and the community together. We work with Ireland amazing citizens that help us collect data and give us key insight into local ray and skate species. We reach out to you by hitting the shores and hosting fun events to get you involved! Why? Because everyone should know about these incredible fish and why they matter.

We're Irelands only group out there solely focused on Rays and Skates, and we want you to be part of the movement. So, join us in spreading the word and making waves for our finned friends. Let's protect and celebrate the diverse world under the sea together!

Meet the Ray Ladies