Ray Sightings
We need your help!
The data we receive from anglers is critical to our research as the knowledge and insight about rays and skates from local anglers is invaluable.
We acknowledge the amount of time anglers spend collecting such data and honing their skills. We appreciate the contributions anglers make even more due to this.
What do we do with your data?
All submissions we received help us to identify significant trends in species population and areas of interest for local species. Angler data aids in filling some of the major data gaps in species distribution across time.
We do not share the GPS locations given to us. This protects the asking community and the rays and skates they fish.
Your contribution to our project helps us understand ray and skate behaviour, which will lead to protecting their environment and increasing their population. Increasing their population will give ray and skates a better chance at achieving stability in terms of their population, giving them the best possible chance of long-term survival over time.
Additional photos can be sent directly to research@therayproject.org
We would love to hear from you!
If we can do anything more to help the community, please get in touch by filling out this survey.