
We need your help!

The Ray Project would like to invite you to help record data on Rays and Skates.

We still know very little about ray and skate behaviour. So if you are an angler, scuba diver, snorkeler, kayaker or beach explorer. You may have come across a live specimen of egg casing.

Eggcases wash up on the shores line of our beaches year-round, and if you find any, we would love to hear from you.

The data we received from citizen scientists greatly impacted our research. Without help from sea anglers and the community, The Ray Project wouldn’t have had an impact.

Please take a moment to take a picture of it and record your sighting in one of our forms below.

Thank you for helping us with our research!

Additional photos can be sent directly to

What is an egg casing?

More commonly known as a mermaid’s purse. You may have seen them washed up on the shore line of your local beach. These tough shells are made of keratin and hold fertilised embryos of skates and sharks. Each species has a unique appearance which is very helpful when identifying them.

Here are some of the egg cases of skates that can be found in Irish waters.